The Squad

Author & Grief Coach
Susan is an executive leadership coach, author and consultant specializing in grief, bereavement and executive leadership skills. Her specialties include deep listening, healing communication and intention-based coaching. If you are looking for Grief Coaching please click the link

Grief Squad Leader
Trinity is 14 years old and the leader of the Grief Squad. Trinity loves to help people. 🌟 She has been through a lot in her life and that has taught her to be confident and share what she knows with others. 💔📣 You can follow Trinity to learn more.

Grief Squad Member
Emily is 10 years old and recently experienced the death of her mother to cancer. Emily likes to help kids understand their grief and is here to help.
Grief Squad Member
Daniel is 8 years old and Emily's brother. He also experienced the death of his mother to cancer. Danile loves squad keys and found the one that leads to the adventure in the second Grief Squad comic book available in the fall of 2023